A 36 year old female, resident of Ammanabolu,housewife by occupation came to OPD with chief complaints of Fever since 26/7 Headache since 26/7 Neck pain since 26/7 HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days back then she developed fever which was insidious in onset,intermittent,associated with chills and relieved on taking medication. There is h/o vomitings 2 days back,no.of episodes were three and the episodes were preceded by nausea,the vomitings are non bilious,non projectile,contents are food and water. H/O headache and neck pain since 2days H/O generalised body pains on the first day of fever. No h/o rashes on the body,cough,pain abdomen,loose stools,intake of food from outside. DAILY ROUTINE She usually wakes up at 6:00am and does her household chores,drinks tea or milk by 9:00am,then she prepares lunch for the family,she eats her lunch by 12:30pm,then she either talks to her neighbours or sleeps for sometime,in the night she eats dinner and sle...